Oberlin Blogs

Mail Day! In picture form!

March 29, 2010

Jesse Hernandez

I know Elizabeth already gave a nice narrative about the decision letters being mailed out, but I thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures from our little celebration! For some reason the person in the office who has never owned a camera has been designated the "camera guy," so please keep that in mind when noticing my extreme lack of picture-taking skills.

The first batch of letters make their way to the truck.
a man pulls a mail carrier

Debra waves to the camera. It was cold and rainy, but the nice thing about being the camera guy is the zoom feature = gets to stand in doorway and still shoot.
A crowd holds umbrellas in the rain

It's pretty much a rule: take a group of pictures and at least one shot will have someone whose eyes are closed.
The umbrella holder's look at the camera

Into the truck they go!
The crowd watches the man push the mail carrier into a semi-truck

Still going in that truck...
The man pushes the mail carrier up a ramp into a semi-truck

If you haven't realized yet, there was a truck involved.
The mail carrier sits in the back of a semi-truck

Even though we were getting wet, it was worth it.
The crowd holding umbrellas waves at the camera

Most of us know how to use umbrellas. Some of us had to learn the hard way *cough* Chuck.
A man gets help collapsing his umbrella

It takes a village to teach someone how to use an umbrella.
An umbrella with the text "Oberlin College Admissions Office"

Eventually, the crisis was averted.
Three people struggle to collapse an umbrella

And eventually we all got cold.
The crowd walks in a line

Nothing warms you up better or declares a celebration better than some bubbly.
The photographer's view of a cup of champagne

It was a bittersweet toast, however, as Tom lost a pair of glasses from the poorly controlled cork explosion that occurred moments after this picture.
A woman pops a champagne bottle

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