Oberlin Blogs

Visual highlights from the semester that was

January 31, 2012

Simbarashe Runyowa ’15

The Beginning

This beautifully captured video by Ma'ayan (with music by the Obertones, no less) so accurately captures the euphoria of orientation that I feel little need to explain it. Orientation is a tidal wave of emotions interspersed with much shaking of hands and regurgitation of well-rehearsed soundbites ("Hi, I'm Simba. It's so nice to meet you. Where are you from?"). It was hands down the most fun part of the semester — they don't even tell you that you will have to go to class for the rest of your college career. (Like, seriously? Are you bein' for real?)

Bonner Scholars Orientation

A group of students pose for a photo on photobooth

Being a Bonner Scholar has turned out to be a defining part of my college experience. The Bonner Scholars Program brings together students from diverse backgrounds and allows them to do community service throughout the school year and summer. Together with these 14 other AMAZING people, we had an awesome time bonding, sharing experiences, having unlimited amounts of fun and doing community service! The most said word in the Bonner Centre for Service and Learning is "Bonner Love" - a phrase of endearment which connects all 60 Bonner scholars and the Bonner staff on campus. I'm going to have to stop for a moment to wipe away the tear welling up in my eyes **reaches for the kleenex**

Culture Festival

A student, standing behind a table, shakes the hand of an adult

The Culture Festival happens in the early fall, and it is an opportunity for Oberlin students to showcase their cultural heritage and imbibe that of others. It is one of the events that I really enjoyed this semester! Despite the fiery look in my eyes that may be erroneously mistaken for malice, I do not at all dislike the young man you see featured here. That is actually my very good Ethiopian friend Dagmawi, shaking the hand of the incomparable Dr. Darko Opoku, my African politics professor who was having a look at the African Students Association table.

Parents weekend

Much as I wished they would, my parents did not fly down here all the way from Zimbabwe. I ameliorated the situation by hanging out with other people's parents. The weekend culminated in an Obertones concert at Finney Chapel.

Two students singing on stage
Charlie and I attempt to look expressive. Results may vary.

A group of students singing and performing on stage
Aidan (seen here belting) puts the P in performance (and passion?).


My first Turkey Day! I wrote all about it in a previous post.

A group of students in a living room smiling for a picture

Finals, and the End

Many people have mistakenly concluded that in this photo, Michelle (seated) and I were being highly industrious and studying for our chemistry final while Jocie (standing) interrupted us briefly to congratulate us on being the studious students she knows us to be. But boy were they wrong. The balloon on the table is in fact part of an elaborate scheme to celebrate Jocie's birthday, concocted by the cunning Noa (phototaker and Jocie's roommate). I also wrote about my finals experience in a previous blog post.

Students sitting at a table in the Science center atrium

Winter Wonderland (aka my first snowfall)

A snowy view of outside Kahn

The excitement I felt at the sight of ice particles being expelled from the air cannot be well covered in this post alone. I could not stop touching it, feeling it and attempting to eat it (not a particularly intelligent option). This was of course only until I realized that snow was actually pretty cold. I've since stopped consuming it, choosing instead to watch this adorable Oberlin video constantly to help me cope with the withdrawal symptoms:

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