Oberlin Blogs

On scheduling sleep, showers, and sustenance...

February 9, 2010

Helena Thompson ’11

4:15pm, February 9th, 2010. It's the end of the second day of second semester classes, and both my virtual and tangible desktops are strewn with sticky notes, calendars, and lists...oh, how I love the start-of-semester scheduling game! It's always kind of a mess to figure out what classes you'll be taking (which are frequently different from the classes you registered for in the fall - go figure) and to decide how many of your evenings you're going to sacrifice for the sake of rehearsals, ExCos, and/or Battlestar Galactica marathons.

Well, at least that's how it works in my world.


Here's a screenshot of my iCal mess at the moment. I'm trying to decide when I'm going to have time to sleep, shower, and do my homework. At this point, eating seems to be optional. Any suggestions?

Sigh. A work in progress, and it's only gonna get busier. More red, probably - definitely more more green. I'd like for there to be a bit more blue on my schedule...but blue stands for "Helena's social life," and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to fit that in. Ehhhhh. We'll see.

So, I'm totally loving all of my classes. I'm taking two classes in the Religion department (Christianity 1100-1600 and Introduction to the Qur'an), a chemistry and forensics course (Chemistry and Crime), Music in the Romantic Era, private voice lessons, and (hopefully) the beginning Swing ExCo! (Cross your fingers - I DESPERATELY want to take that class!) As soon as the semester progresses a little, I'm sure I'll be updating you with little tastes of all the super fabulous material I'm bound to learn. For now, I'm gonna take a short nap before I start my homework for the night. 200 pages of reading? Bring it on, Oberlin. Bring it on.

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