Oberlin Blogs

She's Back!

August 21, 2016

Esther Espeland ’17

I have been pretty absent from the blogs this past spring (well entirely absent), but I am ready to make my glorious return!

The Past:
Spring of 2k16 truly was not my semester. Academically, I loved every class I was taking (and the improv ExCo I was teaching), but was riding the Emotional Rollercoaster From Hell that was my personal life. Fittingly, I was enrolled in a Hispanic Studies class called Melodrama and Cultural Anxiety in Latin America, and at many times throughout the semester it seemed the melodramatic tropes I was reading about in class could also be applied to my personal life (betrayal, secrets, and damsels in distress, oh my). I won't delve in any further because it is not my favorite thing to talk about ever, but I made it through the semester thanks to the support of my friends, the Pure Goodness that is Dean Matthew Hayden, and dang-it, my own steely resolve.

The Present:
Thankfully my life has calmed down since then and I'm spending a quiet summer in Oberlin barbequing, brunching, and board gaming while working for the Office of Admissions. A summer that is almost over! I'm now moving into my new house, planning my future themed brunches, and shopping for thrift store unicorn decorations to fill our weird half-bathroom (it will be the Unicorn Bathroom, and it will be my life's project).

The Future:
I have spent all of college thinking seniors were cool scary people who I idolized for their ability to do no wrong. Now that I'm a senior, I realize I'm still the goofy, flawed beanhead I was as a first-year, I just happen to be a little older now. Prompting the life-altering realization that the seniors when I was an underclassman were real people the whole time. And they probably felt anxious, and overly excited, and other uncool emotions as well! Amazing! Although I am a Nervous Nancy about figuring out my scary post grad plans, I am so ready for the school year to begin anew. Thanks for bearing with me!

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